You tend to adopt AI technologies only after they've become well-established and widely used. Your pragmatic approach values proven solutions and clear benefits. You may be more comfortable implementing AI once its advantages and best practices are well-documented in your industry.
Your AI-driven decision making impact is in the top 25% of AI Maturity Index users in the Business Owner/Entrepreneur role.
Your time savings from AI use is in the top 18% of AI Maturity Index users in the Business Owner/Entrepreneur role.
You're in line with most users positively affected psychologically by use AI out of AI Maturity Index users.
Your Digital Superpowers and Nemeses
By embracing collaborative and creative AI solutions, you have the opportunity to redefine the synergy between technology and creativity. Acknowledging your AI-Augmented Creator potential, combined with a strategic integration, can harmonize efficiency and innovation in your work model, transforming challenges into growth experiences. Empower your hero archetype and conquer villainous tendencies to enhance your AI journey!
You harness AI for technical tasks, allowing your creativity to shine uninhibited and unaltered by technology.
Exploring AI beyond technical support can open new creative dimensions.
You'll find more details in the Roadmap tab.
Tony Stark from Iron Man.
Tony Stark uses AI to augment his technical skills, empowering his core vision as an innovator and creator.
You might limit AI exploration as you mostly focus on preserving traditional creative processes.
AI can stimulate rather than stifle creativity when strategically integrated.
You'll find more details in the Roadmap tab.
Gollum from The Lord of the Rings.
Gollum clings to his precious beliefs despite having opportunities for change, albeit with less rabbity outcomes.